In the light of day, it’s normal to feel anxious about deadlines, commitments, and the demands of life. But the free-floating anxiety that jolts us out of sleep — the senseless, chattering unease of worry — is a stressor that makes us distracted at work, distant from our loved ones, and doubtful of our ability to cope.
We try to treat the symptoms ourselves. We work harder, self-medicate, throw ourselves into a day packed with activity. But anxiety is a complex condition, and it needs to be treated in the body, the heart, and the mind.
Talk therapy addresses feelings of overwhelm and provides an organizing principle that can add calmness and clarity to your daily routine. Through guided meditation or hypnosis, clients can bypass that overactive, worried mind and discover the thoughts and feelings that generate anxiety.
The connection of mood and food can be more profound than we want to admit. We look at the nutrition your brain and body are getting, or missing. A simple change in diet can directly impact the level of our anxiety. Outdoor exercise — literally, a walk in the park — can profoundly change our perspective and lead to improved sleep and decreased anxiety.
It’s easy to ignore that 3 a.m. feeling, and accept anxiety and fatigue as a fact of life. But they’re not. If you’d like to calm the chatter and sleep through the night, email me or call my office at 202-550-3589. Or, if you’re ready to make an appointment, you can schedule an appointment here.